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    6 Small, Everyday Things Physical Therapists Wish You’d Stop Doing

    If you’ve just started an exercise routine, switched up your regular one, or intensified a…

    Reduce Soreness and Accelerate Recovery With a Contrast Bath

    A contrast bath (or contrast water therapy) is a technical term for a hot bath,…

    How to Do the Clam Shell Exercise to Fire Up Your Side-Butt

    Anyone who spends a lot of the day sitting could probably stand to strengthen their…

      The Biggest Exercise Mistake People Make in January

      I think that’s a huge reason new exercisers fall into the too much, too soon trap: They see highlight reels…

      How a Weighted Vest Can Amp Up Your Walks—And How to Start Using One

      The humble walk has gained a trendy new accessory: the weighted vest. Historically used by CrossFitters and soldiers-in-training, these devices…

      Why You Should Do Yoga on Your Recovery Day

      So, you’ve got your workout routine down to a science: strength training three days a week, cardio twice, mobility work during Netflix binges. You’re killing it.…

      How L-Theanine Can Improve Workout Performance and Sleep Quality

      If you’ve never heard of L-theanine, you’re not alone. Unless you’ve been researching relaxation supplements or pre-workout ingredients, you may not…
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