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    What Should You Eat During a Hard Endurance Event?

    One of the perks of being a serious endurance athlete is that you can pork…

    The Right Way to Do Boat Pose If You Really Want to Fire Up Your Abs

    Boat pose is one of those yoga moves that’s as hard as it looks…if not…

    A Full-Body Workout That’ll Ease Beginners Into Strength Training

    Anyone new to strength training can benefit from an awesome beginner dumbbell workout that hits…

      Podiatrists Love Hokas—Here Are the Best Pairs for Every Activity

      When podiatrists recommend shoes, there’s one brand that pops up over and over again: Hoka. “They offer both cushion and…

      When’s the Best Time to Take Different Supplements?

      In romance and comedy, timing is everything. With fitness and nutrition, there’s typically a bit more wiggle room — any…

      How To Stop Emotional Eating Now

      Emotional eating is a typical response to stress, in which food becomes a source of solace rather than sustenance. This…

      A Quick, Energizing Stretch Routine to Do If Thanksgiving Dinner Wipes You Out

      In theory, Thanksgiving should be a relaxing holiday: You enjoy a delicious meal and then watch football on the couch….…
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